Monday, July 25, 2011

DIY Squat Rack

A DIY squat rack is a great way to incorporate heavy squats into your workouts without spending more then $40.

2 5 gallon paint buckets
80 lb concrete
6 2x4's (approximately 4ft each, pressure treated)
Measuring tape
Decking screws
Table saw
Saw horses

1. Measure to just below your shoulder and record. Cut one pair of 2x4's to this length.
2. Add and subtract 2 inches, and cut one pair to each new length.
3. Sandwich the shortest board in between the others (4 inch long sides touching). Screw the boards together in a zigzag pattern, both ensuring the boards are lined up and the zigzag patterns start on either then left or right on both sides.
4. Sink the boards in the buckets and mix in concrete, maintaining the straightness of the block of boards.
5. Let dry for about a day.

** Note: I have load tested my squat rack up to around 350lbs without any issues. It is still important to load test yours, to make sure you are safe. Additionally, using a pair of sawhorses provides a low safety rack for heavy squats. I also screwed in a few U-shaped tool hooks to hold my chains, clips, and bands.

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